Posts Tagged ‘games’

CIJ: One of my Favorite Commericals

July 30, 2009

I remember this commercial from Folgers..and it is one of my most favorites partially because my dad would make coffee Christmas morning and after we opened our presents My Dads Best Friend Hunting and Fishing buddy “Grandpa” Charlie would come over and bring goodies to me and Dad and Grandpa Charlie would drink coffee and play a game of Cribbage and I would sit on Dad’s lap sneaking a sip out of his coffee.. Ahh great memories..

CIJ: Visit the NorthPole

July 20, 2009
Is a place where you can play reindeer games, become a character in your very own story, send an email to Santa Claus and yes he will actually email you back.. And of course we can not leave out Mrs Claus here at the North Pole she has a list of her yummy cookie recipes perhaps you can make some and leave them out for Santa on Christmas Eve. But the Best Part is on Christmas Eve you can follow Santa Claus as he delivers presents around the world thanks to NORAD There are just so many things to do and see at the North Pole.. and what a better way to get into the spirit of the season.. Enjoy and have fun

V-Tech V-smile

April 23, 2009

Our family has an x-box 360 and a Playstation 2 which are played quite often, but for a 5 year old none of the games offered I felt were appropriate for her, So we checked into a few game consoles geared for children under 10 , We came across the V-Tech V-smile and I have to agree it was one of the best purchases that we ever made for my 5 year old daughter, not only do the games have characters that she likes but games that she can easily understand and navigate, and she is learning at the same time, each game has what age it is geared for and we go by that, some features include letters, vocabulary, observation and that is just to name a few, Since she enjoys playing her games so much we invested in The V-smile pocket which is a hand held game that takes the same cartridges as her home console which I like because we do not have to go out and by special games
The V-smile can either function with or with out batteries , Which makes it wonderful when we are in the car , or out and about
or it can be plugged into a transformer at home and she can play it anywhere in the house, I happy to have found something that is fun and educational for her