Posts Tagged ‘sports’

Happy Father’s Day…

June 20, 2009

This Father’s Day is a hard one for me this year, It is the First one with out my dad

Since he passed away Last September..   It still hurts very deeply inside.

Well I don’t want to sadden anyone.. Not on this day that we appreciate all The Dad’s in the World .. No matter where they are

My plans for Hubby will include  a nice breakfast  consisting of  Pancakes, Eggs and Sausage.. Then will follow with his  Homemade Cards that each of the kids made on  Poster Board.. and His Gift. He is not an easy person to buy for but what Dad really is

unless they are into Sports or being the Master of the BBQ grill . Well Hubby is neither of those  . Yes he likes his Foot ball but not a regular full time fan  ,He will only watch if his Favorite teams are playing  The NY Giants and NY Jets  and  he has enough T-shirts of those to last him for a life  time.  He plays on his X-box 360 some and most of the games  he has an interest in he already own,, so the kids picked out a shirt that says World’s Best Dad on it .. which he has been He took my two kids in and became their dad  and loved him as his own..  and then for the rest of the day is his to do what ever he wants . Which will more than likely be spent on the couch since it is his  special day..

So  to all of the Father’s out there  or Father’s to be

Have a Wonderful Father’s Day


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Fantastic Chicken wings

May 29, 2009

For those of you who like a little spice and chicken wings, This is so easy and delicious and a favorite in the MidwestMom Household

What you need>>>10-20 Chicken wingettes which you can find in your grocers freezer I prefer Tyson but any brand will do..

Italian Dressing>> Wishbone tastes the best…

Cajun Seasoning

Take your thawed out Chicken Wingettes

Mix Chicken  together with 2 cups of  Italian dressing and 1-3 Tablespoons of Cajun Seasoning in a large bowl with lid…

1= Mild 3=  Very spicy

make sure all chicken is evenly coated then Marinate in your fridge for up to 4 hours or over night  ( I prefer over night   gives more flavor)

When ready to bake   set oven at  350degrees

Now take a large baking or roasting pan   put in the chicken  and remaining marinade in a single layer >> bake for at least 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours or until meat is falling off the bone ENJOY!!!!

This is a great appetizer  for watching sports games, get togethers, or picnics or if  you just want a great snack